Elkin City Schools Named North Carolina’s Latest Global-Ready District
Global Teaching Partners
Elkin City Schools has earned the Global-Ready District designation in North Carolina, highlighting its commitment to preparing students as globally engaged citizens through rigorous practices and community partnerships.

Elkin City Schools has been recognized as North Carolina’s latest Global-Ready District, a prestigious designation that signifies their commitment to preparing students to be globally engaged citizens. This achievement highlights the district’s rigorous application process and cutting-edge practices that have made it a global education leader.
In 2011, the North Carolina State Board of Education appointed a Task Force on Global Education to foster global competence in public school graduates. The resulting report, Preparing Students for the World, called for a Global-Ready designation process for schools and districts that commit to ensuring their students are globally prepared.
Only three districts and twelve schools have been recognized with this distinction, making Elkin City Schools a true trailblazer in this field.
On February 2, 2023, Elkin City Schools was awarded the Global-Ready District designation, a proud moment for Superintendent Myra Cox and all those who contributed to this achievement.
“We graciously accept this recognition,” said Cox. “This is a great day for our system, as it is truly an honor to be recognized by our state-level officials. I thank everyone in my district for their hard work and diligence in preparing our students to be globally engaged citizens!”
The road to becoming a Global-Ready District is not easy, and requires a rigorous application process that includes narratives and evidence demonstrating a district’s commitment to global education. Successful applicants are expected to implement best practices in global education, impacting students, schools, educators, and communities.
The NC Global-Ready District Implementation Rubric is built around the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s “Global-Ready District Attributes,” which describe the characteristics of a high-quality Global-Ready District.
Elkin City Schools has earned the model Global-Ready District designation, meaning they have implemented systems and structures to support global readiness for all their students. That includes integrating global competencies into curriculum pathways and creating opportunities for students to develop career-related or postsecondary global learning skills.
Elkin City Schools has ensured that global readiness is consistently embedded in the district’s culture by embedding global themes and problem-based learning and developing relevant inquiry-based instruction around global issues or themes.
One key aspect of Elkin City Schools’ approach to global education is their strong partnerships with local global communities, organizations, and nonprofits. These partnerships encourage students to recognize multiple perspectives and help them develop a sense of global citizenship. This focus on community engagement sets Elkin City Schools apart and positions them as leaders for other districts to learn from and replicate.
Elkin City Schools’ success in becoming a Global-Ready District has positively impacted students and their communities. It is a shining example of what can be achieved with a solid commitment to global education.
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for globally engaged citizens has never been greater, and Elkin City Schools is leading the way in preparing students to thrive in this global landscape.