Global Teaching Partners Welcomes New Teachers
Global Teaching Partners
Global Teaching Partners welcomed 42 new teachers from Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Honduras, after Covid-related delays. Despite challenges, Orientation was a success, helping teachers settle in and start their journey. We're excited for their growth and success!

Normally, at Global Teaching Partners, things are pretty quiet in January. Everyone has recharged over the winter break, many have visited family over the holidays, and schools have resumed for the Second Semester. Our teachers are pretty settled into their new school routine and making incredible strides in becoming extremely successful educators and wonderful cultural ambassadors.
But in a year where everything seems to be upside down and not quite ‘normal’, Global Teaching Partners found themselves launching into a busy new year with the arrival of 42 new teachers from Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Honduras throughout January.
It was an exciting time for us to welcome these teachers, as many of our new arrivals had been deferred from August 2020 due to Covid 19.
Our new teachers were greeted with a smile, masked up of course, at Raleigh-Durham International Airport by a member of our team. We made sure we had coats and gloves for our teachers, knowing this chilly January weather may indeed be a culture shock for them. We took them to the hotel to rest up for Orientation the next day.
Orientation looked a little bit different for us this year, with Covid testing being factored into the schedule and long drives necessary to complete social security due to limited appointment availability. But the team worked hard to ensure a smooth process along the way. During Orientation, the teachers set up bank accounts, completed their teacher licensing, tax forms, and learned other important information that would set them up for success on their journey with Global.
After Orientation, teachers left the hotel and headed to districts all over North Carolina,where they met with their Transitional Advisors. Elizabeth City, Hertford, Bertie, Northampton, Sampson, Vance, Durham, and Guilford were ready to greet new international teachers, get them acclimated into the district, and settled in their new schools.
Global is so grateful for all the support they receive throughout the orientation process to ensure these new teachers feel truly welcomed and adjust quickly to life in the USA. We are excited to see their growth over the next few months and cannot wait to hear their success stories.
Teacher Testimonials
Cashmere Roker, Bahamas,Durham Public Schools, Fayetteville St. Elementary School
“North Carolina so far has been everything I’ve imagined and more. It’s beautiful and the people are very hospitable. The orientation held with Global last week was very well organized and informative. They left no stone unturned. I am happy to be here.”
Jaeymi Cruz, Honduras, Guilford County Schools, Swann Middle School
“”I’m so thankful for the Global Teaching Partners team. They give us a warm welcome and I had wonderful experiences during our orientation. They are so kind and ready to help. I’m so grateful to be in a wonderful family like GTP!”
Camele Gayle, Jamaica, Hertford County Schools, Riverview Elementary School
“My first week in North Carolina has been wonderful. I have been waiting on this for a long while. It was so nice to meet the Global team finally. They are amazing and treat us like royalty. Our orientation sessions went well and were very interesting and informative. The presenters did a great job in presenting their information to us.
Now I understand why Global Teachers do extremely well in their schools. They are treated like family by the Global Team and are motivated to do well and always make a difference in each student’s lives.”
Kayla Williamson, Jamaica, Guilford County Schools, Swann Middle School.
“This was a smooth transition. The team was warm and welcoming and treated us like royalty. You guys made what could have been a scary experience one to remember. THANK YOU.”
Kirk Hinds, Jamaica, Guilford County Schools, Parkview Elementary
“The Global Teaching Partners treatment is world-class. We were picked up at the airport on time and whisked away to a hotel. The process was seamless, with assistance every step of the way. There are so many protocols in place for our transition, but I was pleasantly surprised. The only discomfort encountered was the COVID test and the unfamiliar temperature, which is not in Global’s control. Global is named Global for a reason. I am happy I took the leap of faith.”
Worrel Thomas, Jamaica, Vance County Schools, Vance Virtual Village Acade
“Technically speaking, it’s a new, fresh start with countless possibilities. Leaving for North Carolina, I was not entirely sure of what would happen related to the social and cultural aspects. Still, Global Teaching Partners made my transition from ‘hot and warm’ Jamaica to ‘cold cold’ North Carolina very easy. As a social being, it’s hard being away from family and friends, but through Global, I have met new friends from different backgrounds and with different experiences.
I can safely say Global is one big happy family. Adapting to living and working in NC will happen over time, hoping it only gets better for everyone. Global Teaching Partners big up yuh self and continue to make waves like the ocean.”